Dris, Mul Khudra

Oil on canvas - 2009 - 70cm x 90cm - (STOLEN in 2012, Marina Smir, Morocco***)

He seemed sort of a grumpy guy so we were reluctant to approach at first, but his beautiful produce in the Fez Marche Central was hard to walk by. He even had the requisite pictures of the king amidst neatly stood plastic bags, ready for grabbing. Yeah, he was shy, and maybe slow to smile … but there was an integrity, a solidness, even a warmth in his dealings and his produce was good. Soon he began gifting our 2-year-old Jonas with pieces of fruit as we finished transactions. Was it was because he had charged us too much? Or was it just a soft spot he had for kids? My hunch was the latter.

Over two and a half years we were regulars at his stall, to the frequent dismay of his competition. When I asked to do a painting about him he was sheepish, but consented. He made an effort to hide his cigarette when I was taking reference photos. I finished the painting in Tanger after we moved and did not get to take him a print of the painting until 2 years later. I finally got the smile!

*** Unfortunately, this painting was stolen at the end of an exhibition of works in the Tetouan area in 2012. If you have any information or sightings of this painting, please contact me!